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A selection of some of my personal favorite and most popular landscape images. If you'd like to browse all of my landscape images, you can do so in my Landscapes Gallery.
Mount Cadillac SunriseFog rolling over hillsidesFirst light over fog on Cadillac MountainOvercast sunset on North BeachRocky outcrop on Mt TamTrail through the fogSunrise over Point Reyes National SeashoreThe Great Beach, Point Reyes National SeashoreFog & graniteSunrise over the Schoodic PeninsulaSunset over the salt marshSunset above the fog on Mount TamalpaisRainfall over the mountains (horizontal)Tunnel View during spring stormPoppies along the coastMount Cadillac in Predawn LightSpring flows in Tenaya CreekHaleakalā crater and final rays of sunset in Maui, HawaiiUpper Yosemite Fall in FogLight beams through redwoods